
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Review - I Graduated: Now What?: An Essential Guide to Adulting and Life Skills

  #partner @penguinrandomhouse Thanks for the free book

I read this book with great interest. I was firtunate to have a mother that really prepared me for living on my own. I was taught about budgeting, taxes, shopping, contracts and other boring items when I was a teenager. What seemed really boring as a 13 year old, proved to be very helpful when I was on my own starting at age 18. I knew about credit rating and how to open bank accounts. I could budget my student income and knew how to sign a contract. 

The author structures this book to cover the main topics that a young adult on their own for the first time needs to consider and also learn to be familiar with to make intelligent decisions. 

Starting with living on your own, going shopping cooking and maintaining your own little place. Moving over a job versus your own business to financial wisdom such as how to maintain a budget that works for you. This first part is covering all the basic and should be a must read for anyone starting out on their own for the first time.


                                                    The book is available on

The next part is more a focus on life balance. Figure out what is important to you and whoat you want to achieve and then achieve a balance that works for you. This, I may add, can change over time. What was my balance in my 20s has changed now that I am almost retired. But you only live once, so you need to figure out what is important for you and makes you happy, while acknowledging that most of us have to work to earn a living and achieve our goals towards happiness. 

Overall, a well written book that comprehensively address adulting, while being concise enough that you can have a quick peak if you need guidance as an adult.

Review - Would You Rather? Junior: Super Silly Edition!: Goofy Questions to Make You Giggle

  #partner @penguinrandomhouse Thanks for the free book

 This is a fun book to keep kids occupied on car tides or play with them on a rainy day at home. Using the approach of would you rather - the author then provides more than 120 pages of options. A good way to have your child understand choices, articulate a decision and have a conversation about life and where is should go. But the approach is light hearted, while the child is still learning to think and consider. 

This book is available on

Age appropriate for the range of 5 to 8, this book is something I would certainly take on vacation, especially if the trip involves plane rides or being cooped up in the car for several hours. 

You can debate such fun questions as to whether you prefer a superhero cape or mask? Alternatively, maybe you prefer to wake up in a comic or a fairy tale. Both adults and kids can enjoy debating these questions together.

Review - Guided Numerology Workbook: A Beginner's Guide: Understand Yourself and Unleash Your Potential through Your Numbers (Guided Metaphysical Readings)

  #partner @penguinrandomhouse Thanks for the free book

This is a good introductory book to teach the reader about the power of numbers.  Using hands-on lessons, the author is doing a very good job to show the reader how numbers can be obtained for each person and then used to tell us something about that person. Using information that most people will be willing to share, the author first teaches the reader how to use that information to obtain a specific number about the person meaningful in numerology. Then building on that initial number, the reader will then learn what that number can tell you about a specific person.

                                                        This book is available on

I was really fascinated by this approach. My great-grandmother used to have a side-gig as a fortuneteller about a 100 years ago. But she used dreams and  tea leaves for her craft. So this is a related, but very different approach to generate knowledge about people.