
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ghirardelli Squares Milk and Truffle - thanks

Today I received a box with a sample to try out - always a reason to celebrate in my house. But this sample was the best - free chocolate and specifically, free Ghirardelli squares. If I could put a smiley for a happy dance on this blog, I would do it now! and Ghirardelli have partnered up for a campaign to introduce a new flavor for Ghirardelli squares "Milk and Truffle" - described as milk chocolate, luscious filling. I can only imagine. I got a bag of squares as well as two coupons for $1 off. In case your mouth is watering as much I mine was when I saw the bag, the Ghirardelli Milk & Truffle squares are available at Target and Walgreens.
I have included a picture below of the content. The contents were nicely packaged with some tissue paper and you can see the wonderful sight of a still unopened bag of chocolate. I will savor some Milk & Truffle squares later this evening for dessert with a nice cup of coffee.

copyright Durhamonthecheap - Who can honestly say NO to Ghirardelli?

Disclaimer: I received a sample bag of the new Ghirardelli flavor courtesy of and Ghirardelli in exchange for an honest review on this blog. The opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and have not been influenced by any third party or Any additional compensation I may receive has not and will not influence my opinion reflected in the blog entries.


  1. Such good chocolate and I get to enjoy them. :) I'm hoarding my bag. Well.... I will share a bite or so.

  2. I have been eating mine one square at a time to make the bag last as long as possible. :-)
