
Monday, July 30, 2012

Product giveaway: Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil - excellent for a quick dinner inside

I know that summer is grilling season, but sometimes it is just too hot outside or, as recently in North Carolina, a massive thunderstorm is looming and staying indoors is just a wise choice. So you need to prep dinner and like the speed of grilling, but now you are indoors and what to do?
Here is where the subject of my current giveaway comes in - Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. I had previously blogged about how quick you can prep meals with Coconut Oil and the recipe described below took me less than 10 minutes to prep. I swear the pasta took longer to cook than fixing the tomato sauce with spicy sausage.
So that you can experience how versatile coconut oil is in cooking, I am giving away one jar of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. But first, a picture journey for homemade tomato sauce, prepared using Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - oil quickly turns to liquid when cooking

copyright Durhamonthecheap - tomatoes, curry and sugar + coconut oil
By the way, the tomatoes were of course from my vegetable garden. These organic tomatoes were a beautiful red color and have a fantastic flavor. I am also routinely adding sugar when cooking tomatoes since it makes the tomatoes easier to digest. I recently talked to my neighbor and, while I add regular sugar, she adds brown sugar when cooking tomatoes. I will have to give this a try as well. Try adding sugar when prepping your tomatoes the next time, it does make a difference!.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - add some spicy sausage and chives
The chives were from the garden as well, frozen from last year and this year I again have enough chives to freeze them for the winter. Organic herbs are so expensive at the store,  but so easy to grow. Even if you do not have a garden and live in an apartment, a small pot on the window sill is enough to maintain a little herb garden.

copyright Durhamonthecheap - the sauce is ready in under 10 minutes

copyright Durhamonthecheap - add some pasta and the sauce and a healthy quick meal is ready to enjoy!
So there it is, pasta with homemade tomato sauce in under 10 minutes and it tastes like a restaurant dish. I know that the veggies are organic and can actually list the ingredients in the sauce, which I trust more than tomato sauce in a jar. I admit, I usually have a jar of tomato sauce at home for emergencies. But I usually stick to a very basic sauce and add in the curry, sugar and some fresh herbs, such as chives or rosemary to flavor it the way we like it. Store bought tomato sauce just is not flavorful enough for us.

But now for the important part - the product giveaway and your chance to try out Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil in your home.

Product giveaway: I will be giving away one jar of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil courtesy of Tropical Traditions. Read below for product information on Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil and their other products!

To be entered into the giveaway there is a mandatory entry:
To be entered into the giveaway, you must subscribe to email Tropical Traditions Sales Newsletter here.

For additional entries:
Please note for each additional entry - post a comment stating what you did!

Additional entry: You must subscribe to the blog "Durham on the cheap" as a member. If you are already subscribed as a member, you will automatically be given the additional entry, just mention it in the comments.
Additional entry: Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @troptraditions and @ttspecialdeals
Additional entry: Follow Tropical Traditions on Pinterest
Additional entry: Post a comment on the blog about what dish you plan on using the coconut oil for.

Giveaway ends Noon on Saturday August 18th 2012.  The winner will be drawn through a number randomizer and notified by email within 48hrs of the end of the contest. Good luck to everyone!

Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil - 32 oz.Win 1 quart of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!
Tropical Traditions is America’s source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?

Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.


  1. Okay so I joined the Tropical Traditions newsletter, followed them on Twitter and Pinterest and I'm commenting on the blog. I use coconut oil for stove-top popcorn. The taste is excellent. I also use it as a substitute for butter or margarine on toast or bagels. I also use it in my pancake recipe (instead of canola oil). I also subscribed to your blog. - Jesse

  2. I subscribed to the Tropical Traditions sales newsletter.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  3. I would use the coconut oil for my regular cooking and baking and for making granola and smoothies. Thanks for the idea of making pasta sauce. My tomatoes are turning ripe now.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  4. I subscribe to TT. eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com

  5. I subscribe to the TT newsletter.

    kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com

  6. I follow TT on pinterest (wm4b).

    kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com

  7. I will use it to make granola.

    kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com

  8. I subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Sales Newsletter loriagalbraith at gmail dot com.

  9. I Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @troptraditions and @ttspecialdeals @loriagalbraith loriagalbraith at gmail dot com
    I Follow Tropical Traditions on Pinterest lori a galbraith on pinterest loriagalbraith at gmail dot com

  10. I use coconut oil for fryiing any foods (yesterday it was stirfry), I love it. TT has a great product. loriagalbraith at gmail dot com

  11. I subscribe to the news letter

  12. I follow both TT twitter accounts :)

  13. I follow TT on Facebook!

  14. I follow TT on Pinterest too :D

  15. I'm subscribed to the TT newsletter. kcarlson1152[at]

  16. I follow the TT handles on Twitter- @kcarlson1152. kcarlson1152[at]

  17. I follow TT on Pinterest- Kylie Carlson. kcarlson1152[at]

  18. subscribed to TT newsletter ebienic(at)hotmail(dot)com

  19. I subscribed to the TT newsletter.

  20. I would use this for baking.

  21. I (@pfirsch) follow Tropical Traditions on twitter, I liked Tropical Traditions on Facebook, and I have subscribed to their newsletter (jw-spam at gmx dot net).

    I use coconut oil to make granola, on my skin, and in my homemade hair products.

  22. I have subscribed to the newsletter. Thanks for doing this contest!

  23. I follow both on twitter. This comment rocks!

  24. I follow on pinterest, name Michael Finsel Jr. Thanks X3

  25. I plan to use this to add to my morning coffee with grassfed butter. It's awesome, try it!!

  26. i sub to TT's newsletter.

  27. i follow TT on twitter where i am agodlyhomemaker

  28. i follow ttdeals on twitter where i am agodlyhomemaker

  29. i follow TT on pinterest

  30. i love to fry tortillas in it!

  31. I subscribe to the newsletter.

    newmommiez at gmail dot com

  32. I follow both on Twitter. @NewMommiezBlend

    newmommiez at gmail dot com

  33. I love using it for just about anything. From sauteing to diaper rash ointment :) Love TT products!

    newmommiez at gmail dot com

  34. I subscribe to their sales newsletter.

  35. I follow them on twitter.(donnak4)

  36. I follow them on pinterest.(donnak4)

  37. I would like to use it in my baking of cakes.
