
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Review: Summer Beauty Cravebox

Today was a very good day! I received my Summer Beauty Box from I was really looking forward to this box because my earlier box had been filled with wonderful items for grilling and I am using many of the included items from the BBQ box on a regular basis, like the BIC lighter for my scented candles in the house.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - Summer Beauty Cravebox
Full size items at bargain prizes. What is not to love about that equation?
Here are the suggested retail prices for the items included:
Oatmeal Peppermint Soap from Garden Botanika = $7 (see here for order)
think Thin Protein Bar = $1.50 (see here for Amazon order)
Bic Soleil Bella disposable razors = $7 to $10 (here is one of the sites that lists them)
Totally Ageless Intensive Eye Treatment from Puristics = $18 (here is the listing from
Shea Sugar Body Scrub with Mango from Tree Hut = $7 (here is the listing)
Keep in mind, I got this selection for around $15 - a nice bargain and a wonderful selection of products to try out and blog about!

The above video walks you through my first impressions as I unpack the items. I am very, very happy with the selection, especially the mango body scrub, which is full-size, is a wonderful item to be included. I love everything mango and to get a full-size mango body scrub is fantastic.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - all items included, including the sweepstakes information for a Spa Party!
I also look forward to trying the oatmeal, peppermint soap from Garden Botanika, which looks very luxurious. And we can always use more razors such as ones included from BIC Soleil Bella. And chocolate, can never have to much chocolate, especially from a company think Thin - possibly indulge in chocolate without remorse for a diet faux pas. We will see! Last item is one thing I am extremely curious to try out, the Totally Ageless Intensive Eye Treatment from Puristics. I do not have a lot or really noticeable crows feet, but I have been applying eye treatment regularly and Puristics does not sell any products involving animal testing - a big plus in my book - and so I am looking forward to trying their product and blogging about its effect on my eyes.

So a big Thank you from Cravebox for selecting me for the Summer Beauty Box - great selection of products and I cannot wait to try them out and blog about them!

disclaimer: For a nominal fee, I received a selection of products through in exchange for using the products and providing honest reviews and feedback. The opinions expressed in this blog are solely my own nad have not been influenced by or any other third party.

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