
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Woolite Extra Dark Care - finally your favorite jeans can get the star treatment they deserve

As a member of Crowdtap I recently received a number of samples to try out Woolite Extra Dark Care and share the fabulous detergent with my friends. I work in a place where jeans are okay,every day, not just casual Friday. So I wear a lot of jeans. I stay away from anything to crazy and want my jeans to last as long as possible. So when I heard about Woolite Extra Dark Care, I was very excited because it promised to maintain color well and be especially suited for dark colors.
Now you know that I am a big fan of Woolite and I always have a bottle of Woolite Complete at home.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - Woolite Complete, what more do you? Or maybe something for dark colors?
But when I get samples, I need to try them out and I need to say that using two samples of Woolite Extra Dark Care on my jeans and dark t-shirts has so far worked very well. The colors have not faded. Now, I have only used two samples, so that is by far not a long time to allow fading, but still. With a name like Woolite, I usually give the product some extra credit because Woolite stands for quality and especially gently cleaning of clothes. So while Woolite Extra Dark Care may handle jeans and cotton fabric, it can still be gentle on the colors because that is really what I am looking for. I hate if black shirts end up looking gray after several washes because if I want to wear gray, I buy that color clothing. I certainly do not want to wait until my black fabrics fade into gray.
So anyway, if you get a chance - stop by my desk at work to get a couple of samples left over or simply go to the Woolite Facebook page and click on Woolite Sample. After watching a short video, you need to fill in your personal information for a free sample of Woolite Extra Dark Care.
Then wait until the sample arrives and happy laundry and even happier dark colors!
Woolite Extra Dark Care - be on the lookout for it in a store near you!

the complete Woolite family of laundry detergents - something for absolutely every piece of clothing!

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