
Monday, September 10, 2012

Product Review: Oral-B Professional Precision 1000

Through Modern Mom, I received an Oral-B Professional Precision 1000 electric toothbrush to try out for 2 weeks. I had previously used an electric toothbrush by another company and was quite happy with it. Ever since I switched from manual to electric toothbrushes my dentist has noted that there is less build up and my gums seems healthier. So I was very, very excited to try out a new electric toothbrush by Oral-B.

The toothbrush, as you can see from the image below, is your standard electric toothbrush with a base for recharging and storing and then the toothbrush with an exchangeable head. They do provide a booklet with instructions and I highly recommend that you read through it. When I first used the toothbrush, I noticed that the brush would ever so often rumble or sputter, meaning it would run unevenly. I thought that it may not be properly charged and put it in the charger overnight again, but the same thing happened the next day. So then I used the booklet and it turned out that the Oral-B Professional Precision 1000 toothbrush can almost be considered a smart toothbrush, It counts the time that you spend in one location and the rumbling or sputtering is supposed to indicate that you need to switch to a different zone. So after 3 sputters, the next sputter is longer, indicating that you have brushed the recommended time and you can stop.

copyright Durhamonthecheap - the contents of the package

I like this feature because it ensures that I cover all teeth evenly. In addition, it helps me track my time brushing. I will say that the default brush head being delivered with the Oral-B brush will make your gums bleed for the first few uses. I was actually surprised by how much they bled the first two times, but after about 5 uses there was no more bleeding. The brush will clean your teeth, I would even say that it polishes them. My teeth feel like I have been to the dentist for a professional cleaning, they felt THAT clean. My teeth feel smooth like they never felt without having been to the dentist for polishing. So I am very impressed with the Oral-B Professional Precision. 

copyright Durhamonthecheap - instruction manual, good to read this one - clearly indicating 4 zones to be cleaned!
So overall, even for someone like me who brushes regularly and has received compliments from their dentist for how little build up they see in my teeth and how healthy my gums are, the Oral-B Professional Precision can help improve their dental health. I feel that the teeth are much smoother and feel cleaner than prior to using the Oral-B brush. I really appreciate the timed cleaning aid, the sputtering at first was strange, but now I have gotten into the habit of waiting for it before I switch over to a different zone. Now I know that all teeth get their fair share!

copyright Durhamonthecheap - the charging base and the lights indicating state of charge for the toothbrush

If you are interested in purchasing an Oral-B Professional Precision, right now there is a mail-in rebate available for $20 off. Please go to for more information. But hurry, the rebate is only valid until 9-30-2012. You can also find more information and read user feedback on their social networking sites at and

copyright Durhamonthecheap - the original packaging of the Oral-B Professional Precision

Disclaimer: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Modern Mom on behalf of Oral-B and received a product sample to facilitate my review.

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