
Friday, December 28, 2012

Bargain shopping: Manager's Special - That's why I love my Kroger store!

Today I decided on a whim to stop in at my Kroger store and see whether they had anything on sale. I am not talking about regular sales advertised in the circular, but unannounced deals called Manager's Specials. Manager's Specials are items that either need to be sold due to the expiration data approaching or items that Kroger does not longer want to carry and they need to clear shelves. If the latter is the case, you can find items that have expiration dates months in the future, making such items a wonderful bargain.

Today, I was really lucky and found a lot of items reduced and most of these items have expiration dates in May or June of next year - WONDERFUL!

Below is the picture of my haul - I spend around $25 for all items - not bad considering that the smaller yoghurt alone was supposed to be $1 each on sale and the crackers were around $5 each. Most of the items were about 25% of the original price, the carrot cake roll being the exception since it was only reduced by 50% (half-price is not bad either).

copyright Durhamonthecheap - Manager's special makes for great bargains at Kroger!
Some of the items I was particularly excited about are the capers. I bought three glasses of these after I have been circling them most of the winter. They were supposed to be more than $3 and I love making a sauce with real capers for my meatballs, but these tiny things are so darn expensive. Not today - three glasses will last me until summer.

Then the carrot cake roll - one of our favorite desserts and something that is fairly labor intensive to make at home. For $3.50  I could afford it and now dessert for the next days is set! What are start into 2013.

Then the Greek Yoghurt and especially in Mango Passionfruit flavor - my favorite kind. I am so happy and now the daily limit of ONE Greeek Yoghurt may actually get lifted.

Overall, everything I bought will get used in the household and seen as rare treats that are only bought on sale, not at regular prices. Making this shopping trip at Kroger at wonderful end to 2012 and (if some of it lasts until next year) an even better start of 2013.

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