
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Book rreview: The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton

This book was a true jewel of a mystery in my opinion. The storyline is complex and challenges the reader to separate three different eras in English history that all connect to tell and solve a mystery central to the family of Laurel, whose life we follow from the 1960’s to present day England. Laurel observed a murder committed by her mother, but in order to solve the mystery of what led to that act, Laurel must trace back her mother’s story to England before WWII. 

As readers, we are along for the ride. No matter how desperately we want to solve the mystery, just like Laurel we need to be patient and collect pieces of information from the past to understand it. The author has a wonderful way of bringing the characters to life. Whether the women live in the present and we can observe them or have lived the main life in times long ago, Kate Morton paints each character as a three dimensional, complex person that provide surprising twists of their own with each new page. 

Just like her characters, the storyline itself is full of twists and interesting revelations. The ending truly surprised me. But what sets Kate Morton’s book apart from most other books to me was her ability to tell a good story. No matter how complex the storyline may be, the way Kate Morton describes the scenery and her characters, it just forms a perfect flow from beginning to end. This is one book that I will definitely re-read, just to experience the story again.

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