
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crowdtap Sample Share: Woolite Everyday Detergent

As I stated yesterday, one benefit of membership in Crowdtap besides the great GCs to and other retailers are the sample share opportunities. I am now sampling Woolite. I had previously sampled Woolite Dark and now I got 10 single load packages for Woolite Everyday.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - content of Woolite sample package (detergent sample, $1off coupon, project letter)
The package arrived late last week and contained 10 packages of Woolite Everyday. Each package containing enough detergent for one large load, $1off coupon and an insert with information about Woolite as well as an ongoing contest with a chance to win prizes. I also got a Woolite Sampling letter from Crowdtap with an explanation of the project.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - the laundry detergent and new look for Woolite Everyday

I really like that they include a $1off coupon in each package because detergent these days is so expensive and getting some extra savings is great. Especially since several grocery stores, such as Harris Teeter, will double coupons that are $1off. 

I have just done my first load of laundry with the new Woolite Everyday and will post pictures as an update to the post. But the detergent is clear, which I like, even though it was unusual at first because I am so used to blue detergents. The scent of the new detergent is nice, not too strong and certainly not artificial.

I have been using more and more Woolite lately, starting with when I first received Woolite Complete, which stressed the fact that Woolite was great for all kinds of clothing, not just delicates. I then was also included in the sampling of Woolite dark that I now use regularly my for jeans and I am so happy with it for darker clothes that I use regularly and need to last a long time. Woolite Dark is gentle on the clothes, yet leaves them clean and smelling fresh. And now the sampling of Woolite Everyday. Based on my recent Woolite experiences, I have high hopes for this Woolite and I am convinced that my friends, who get a sample bag of Woolite, will be equally happy with the quality of Woolite as a detergent.

copyright Durhamonthecheap - the range of Woolite detergents that are now available in stores.
Disclaimer: I received free Woolite Everyday samples to use and share from Crowdtap in exchange for an honest review and providing honest feedback about the detergent.The opinions expressed in this review are solely my own and have not been influenced by Crowdtap or any third party. If you would like to sign up for membership in Crowdtap, simply go to and fill in the required information for a new account.

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