
Saturday, October 19, 2013 Twitter Party Prize: coupons for free Alpina Greek yogurt

I finally won a prize at a Twitter Party. After having attended my share of Twitter parties I finally won something - 3 coupons for free Alpina Greek yogurt.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - three coupons for a new variety of Greek yogurt to sample
Since I have never sampled Alpina Greek yogurt, I had to go to their website and check out what flavors they have. Besides Greek yogurt, they have smoothies and coffee beverages as well as regular yogurt and the newest addition, Greek yogurt topped with artisan granola. I won three coupons for their granola-topped Greek yogurt. So what flavors do they offer here? Some very nice flavors, if you ask me.

What I love about the Mango and Strawberry varieties of Artisan Granola-topped Greek yogurt is that the Granola is selected based on how it complements the yogurt flavor. The mango variety is topped with Crunchy Tropical Chia Granola, which is made from banana chips, coconut, and cashews. By contrast the strawberry yogurt is topped with Almond Berry Granola consisting of almonds and freeze dried strawberries.
This means that each yogurt is perfectly combined with a suitable granola. Since I just got the coupons in today's mail, I will have to wait until next week to shop for these varieties.

Alpina yogurt is locally available at Food Lion stores throughout the Triangle area.

Disclaimer: I received these coupons as a win through a Twitter party sponsored by The opinions expressed in this blog are solely my own and have not been influenced by or any third party.

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