
Monday, July 21, 2014

Book Review: Game Changer by Kirk Cousins

This is another example of a book written by a well known athlete, who feels that his faith is to some degree the basis of his success. As such the book is not novel or unique. What makes this book different and certainly a good read for fathers and sons alike is that this book is geared towards sons. Not only is it showing kids that it is okay to have faith, but it goes on to show kids and in particular boys that having faith is not wrong and can actually be pretty cool and help you succeed in life by giving you strength.

available on here
 The book is written in plain English, which is a good thing. It is easy to understand for kids of a variety of ages, but mostly geared towards adolescents and teenagers. While written with boys in mind, the lessons portrayed and exemplified by Kirk Cousins in his life and now written down as simple lessons in this boook can also be useful for girls. Seek guidance in life, god is certainly one way to find such guidance. And with good guidance and role models, success will follow.  Believe in yourself and be strong, don't waiver at the first sign of opposition, being persistent will pay off in the end.

Disclaimer: I received a a free book through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. The opinion expressed in this post is solely my own and have not been influenced by any third party.

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