
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crowdtap sampling review: Listerine Naturals Mouthwash

Through I received a full size bottle of Listerine Naturals Mouthwasy, which is free of artificial flavors and dyes. I love the fact that Listerine now has come out with a natural mouthwash that helps limit the chemicals in my household. As you can tell from the image below, the product is truly free of artificial flavors and dyes! I am very much in favor of limiting chemicals that are being used in the household and have now switched to more natural cleaning supplies as well as using my own garden to grow truly organic vegetables. So an all natural mouthwash only makes sense.

copyright Durhamonthecheap -love the natural ingredient in this new mouthwash

copyright Durhamonthecheap - Listerine Naturals is nice and clear, no dyes, but still works well!
I like the mint flavor of the traditional mouthwash, but in a better for you and the environment form.I have included a short video below that summarizes how happy I am that a mouthwash has now come out with artificial flavors or dyes. Keep an eye out in the store for Listerine Naturals and give it a try yourself.

Disclaimer: I received a free sample through in exchange for an honest review. The opinion expressed in the post are solely my own and have not been influenced by Listerine, Crowdtap or any third party.

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