
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Crowdtap party: Football Sunday with Weight Watchers

Through I received a party pack to host a superbowl party courtesy of Weightwatchers. The party pack was awesome. It included recipe booklets, party decorations such as napkins, garlands, table football game and then cute plastic helmets and foam fingers. My favorite parts were the football-shaped chip and dip dish and the referee napkins and football plates and cups - really cute and they made it easy to throw a football themed party.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - ready to start the Turkey chili - healthy and tasty with lots of spicy ingredients

copyright Durhamonthecheap -starting the prep by browning the turkey and onions

copyright Durhamonthecheap - - full pt of chili, just some frozen veggies from the garden for some more spice

copyright Durhamonthecheap -voila! low fat sour cream and baked crackers for a tasty and healthy dish!

copyright Durhamonthecheap -ready for the guests at home!

copyright Durhamonthecheap -table is set - who says good food cannot be healthy!

copyright Durhamonthecheap -after party at work - these things were bog hits, everyone grabbed them for the grandkids

copyright Durhamonthecheap -the recipe books were great, healthy and tasty recipes - what is not to like!
So because the party pack was so awesome and contained so many good items to share, I decided to throw two parties. I had one at home and then another at work. Both parties were fun to have and the one at work involved just some healthy snacks, but the recipe booklets from WeightWatchers were are definite hit and as you can see, the football gadgets included were welcome. it does help that we work in an area in which two of the three major college sports teams have blue in their colors, so the foam fingers will definitely be used at home games - more viewing time for WeightWatchers. The football helmets, while maybe a little bit small for some of the adults, will be brought home for the grandkids - boys and girls alike. As you can see from the picture, everyone had a great time!

Disclaimer: I received a free party pack courtesy of Crowdtap and WeighWatchers in exchange for hosting a party and reviewing items provided in the party pack. The opinion expressed in the post is solely my own and has not been influenced by any third party.

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