
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book review "A Warrior's Faith: Navy SEAL Ryan Job, a Life-Changing Firefight, and the Belief That Transformed His Life" by Robert Vera

Depicted in the movie "American Sniper", this book is about the Navy SEAL Ryan Job and his life after the devastating injury he suffered in Iraq that left him blind.  Carried by his Christian faith and an immense amount of determination, not only did Ryan Job survive being shot in the face and left blind, but he continued to lead a productive life despite facing huge challenges until a tragic error ended his life well before his time was up.

available at Amazon
 In this book, Robert Vera, a close friend of Ryan Job's, gives the reader an in-depth look at Ryan Job as a person, a soldier and most important a human being. He describes his sense of humor that lifts up others when they need help and a determination that makes Ryan seem invincible to those close to him and put seemingly nothing out of his reach. Most importantly, Robert Vera shows that Ryan Job after the injury in Iraq was able to recover and achieve a sense of normalcy that involves miletstones such as college graduation and hunting elk.

The book is broken up into three main parts, entitled Tested, Transformed and Redeemed that stand for the progression of Ryan Job from battle injured in Irag to finding a new life and normalcy back in the USA. Overall, while the book has strong Christian overtones in certain places, it does give the reader a good insight into the character of this extraordinary soldier and being written by a close friend gives the book an authenticity that makes the person of Ryan Job come alive.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The opinion expressed in this post is solely my own and has not been influenced by any third parties.

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