
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Crowdtap sampling: Mr. Sketch® Scented Washable Markers

Through Crowdtap and Mr. Sketch, we were able to play around with some washable markers. As a mother, I am always happy about anything that says washable because that may ensure that the house stays reasonable clean.

But in addition, these markers were also scented and not only your usual fruit scents, but they did have a licorice scented black marker. Now we are talking! I know that does sound odd, but my family loves licorice and has done so for generations. So getting to play and draw with a licorice scented marker was definite bonus on this experience. Three generations in my family played with the markers and enjoyed it, so that is saying something.

copyright Durhamonthecheap - markers come nicely packed in a plastic box

copyright Durhamonthecheap - love the vibrant colors

We found the markers were indeed washable, although we never waited very long to allow the stain to set, so that may make a difference. The scents are awesome and my kids now talk about their fruitsalat on paper, which I think is funny because it never occurred to me to come up with that kind of description for a drawing done using scented markers.
Overall, these markers are great, they are fun and as a mother, they are indeed washable!

Disclaimer: I received a free product to try out and review. The opinion expressed in this post is solely my own and has not been influenced by any third party.

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