
Saturday, June 17, 2017

Book Review: Giving It All Away…and Getting It All Back Again: The Way of Living Generously by David Green

A lot of of people know Hobby Lobby as a successful business and may have heard about the Supreme Court decision a couple of years ago involving the Affordable Care Act and its mandate to cover certain contraceptive methods. But this book will tell you the whole story about the company and its founder David Green. Starting from humble beginnings with a lot of borrowed money and a "store" that was limited to a room in his house, David Green maintained his integrity throughout his career and never wavered. No matter how much other objected and how much criticism he faced. 
David Green stresses the importance of staying true to yourself, even when it may not be easy. This is emphasized throughout the book and ties in not just with David's generation, but having been passed along by prior generations, especially David's mother. And this same approach is still being maintained at Hobby Lobby.
The title also underscores that no matter how much money you may have, and most readers will have less money than Mr. Green, you can still do good and give back to your community. It may not be based on money donations, but spending time supporting local causes or helping your neighbor who may be elderly. Giving back is not just often the right thing to do, but it may also end up giving back to you in ways you do not expect and that makes your life richer for all the right reasons. Mr. Green underscores that most of the people in the US have a blessed life compared to people in many other countries and people should appreciate that fortune, but trying to give back to their community and to others. 
This book offers plenty of advice for people running their own business and feel that they are not able to mix Christian believes with commercial success. In addition, it will provide incentive for everyone to give back to the community and ensure that the world around is better because of us, no matter how small the impact may be.
available on

Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed are solely my own and have not been influenced by any third party.

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