
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Book Review: The Faith of Dolly Parton: Lessons from Her Life to Lift Your Heart by Dudley Delffs

Dolly Parton has been well known for a number of years, even decades. But I am still learning new things about this singer, such as the fact that she provides books to a large number of children through her Imagination Library. This book also taught me some new insights into her person and character.

This entertainer write4s her own songs, still performs live after more than 50 years in the business and has built up a great amusement park in Dollywood. While she never hid her Christian faith, she is also accepting of other believes. This book is using Dolly's faith to generate life lessons that we all can adhere to - such as stay humble no matter how much success you may have now. Also have a belief that things will get better, no matter how hopeless a situation you may find yourself in now. This book is a great book to guide people through life because, even though Parton is a Christian, the guidance included in the book can help and be used by people of all faiths.

What really impressed me and still impresses me the most about Parton is the fact that she remained a human being throughout her life. Success did not change her into a celebrity persona, but Dolly remained Dolly. So take this book and enjoy it, it may teach you something new about Dolly and may give you some advice for life, but it will certainly entertain - it is like reading a story about a friend and neighbor.

available on

Disclaimer: In exchange for an honest review I received a free copy of the book. The opinion in this review is my own and has not been influenced by any third parties.

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