Through House Party and Redbook I had received several new nail polishes by L'Oreal and was pleasantly surprised that not all colors were red and red and more red. L'Oreal has really created some great colors this season, almost neutral in hue and for someone like me who loves to wear neutral colored clothing, these colors work out great.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - in the upper right the new colors by L'Oreal for nail polish - love them! |
copyright Durhamonthecheap - above I am using Royally Reinvented by L'Oreal, a light lavender shade |
Today, despite it being in the 80s and humid as usual (we just had another rain shower), I ventured outside to work in the yard. The shrubs needed cutting - badly. Not my favorite job, but it is also good exercise for my shoulders since I get to lift the heavy duty hedge trimmer above my shoulders for more than an hour. Then raking up all the twigs and branches and trying to stuff them into the yard waste container, I was definitely exhausted coming in around Noon and then noticed that my toes had lost most of their polish. No problem, this just gave me an excuse to apply a different color and I was overdue for a change anyway. So I picked a blueish color and figured it will go well with workday clothing.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - this time the shade is Now You Sea Me - a grey/turquoise combination. |
As you can see, the colors are more muted and thankfully not all in various shades of red. I do not like red as a make up color and prefer greens, blues or more neutral shades. For both color, two applications was enough to achieve a good coverage. I just bought a new pair of open toed shoes and the Now You Sea Me will go well with the light brown color.
So after all this work, I allowed myself a nice iced coffee made from regular coconut-flavored coffee and regular milk.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - working in the yard & doing nails, now I deserve an iced coffee - AHHHHH! |
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