So today after work I decided to go shopping at Harris Teeter because I had a couple of good coupons and I have found that going through the grocery store and planning a coupon hunting trip oddly enough relaxes me after work. I think the relaxation comes because I need to focus on something different than work, namely how to maximize the coupons that I have and combine them with specials at the grocery store.
copyright Durhamonthecheap - one shopping trip at Harris Teeter, total spent = less than $10. |
The picture above shows the total haul for this trip. I got two packages of chicken hotdogs that were on clearance as BOGO for about $5.79. I liked chicken sausage; with my favorite chicken sausage of all time being a breakfast sausage that had blueberries in it. If I ever splurge on a meat grinder and sausage-making attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer, a blueberry breakfast chicken sausage will be on top of my list of recipes I need to figure out.
I also got a box of Cheez It. Here is picked the hot and spicy flavor because it goes well with the creamy cheeses that I like. I then ended up getting two bottles of water; one a sparkling water that I will use for making Italian lemonade with my Torani syrups. The second bottle is a fruit-flavored regular water from Deer Park. Lastly, I picked up two products by Charmin, a 4-pack of toilet paper and then a box of Charmin Freshmates, which I believe are fairly new addition to the Charmin line of products.
So how did the deals stack up?
The chicken sausage was BOGO (expiration date is late January 2013) for a savings of $5.79
Charmin toilet paper was on sale from $4.19 to 2.99
Charmin Freshmates - free with coupon and Charmin purchase - savings of $3.15
Cheez It - on sale and eVic special $3.75 down to $1.77 and I used a $1.50off coupon
sparkling water - free with register reward coupon - saved $1.19 (price rang up as $1.50) cost 31cents
Deer Park fruit water - free with register reward coupon - saved $1.19 (price rang $1.00) 19cents MM
copyright Durhamonthecheap - less than $10 with plenty of coupon savings and eVic specials |
I noticed as I was checking my receipt at the customer service counter that the cashier rang up the same coupon twice for the two different waters and that cost me 12 cents, which I would have saved otherwise. But since they are register reward coupons and I had gotten so much for free or reduced prices, I figured my donation to HT this time was the 12 cents. I really did not want to hold the line up any longer since I ended up with a very inexperienced cashier, who already made me and several people behind me wait for 10 minutes since no manage was to be found that could accept the coupons. While I like high value coupons, they usually require a manager overwrite and if a manager is busy doing other stuff, be ready for a long wait. I do not mind waiting, but today HT was extremely busy and the cashier was clearly just beyond the training stage and so I decided to forgo the 12 cents. (In addition, a friendly lady had donated her shopping kart with the quarter still in it last week at Aldi and made me an early Christmas present)
I could have waited around for double coupons, which I think will happen again in January sometime, but the items that I bought were on sale anyway and the eVic special for the Cheez It was too good to not combine with the Red Plum coupon. In addition, I did not know whether the chicken hotdogs would still be available in January, so I decided to use my coupons and make use of on sale merchandise.
Reviews of the chicken sausage to follow soon!
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